Some good work produced within your group and it is a shame that your grade has been restricted by certain aspects limiting your achievement.
In regards to unit 2 - Communication Skills for Creative Media Production (pitch and presentation):
You were able to use appropriate techniques to extract information from written sources with some precision and presented a media production report which conveys relevant information.
Your pitch was interesting and I thought that you conveyed the information about your re-branding idea and employed forms of address in your pitch to communicate ideas. The presentation had some elements which were effective and you were able to deploy and manage technology to pitch a media production proposal.
In regards to unit 30: Advertisement Production for Television:
IN your TV advert analysis, you were able to describe structures and techniques of TV advertisements with some appropriate use of subject terminology.
Working within your group, you were able originate and develop an idea for a TV advertisement showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance. The advert demonstrated a good understanding of conventions in TV adverts and it was clear that you were able to produce a TV advertisement to a good standard working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance.
Your evaluation was also detailed and you explained your own TV advertisement production work with reference to detailed illustrative examples and generally correct use of subject terminology.
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