Wednesday, 18 January 2017

East Norfolk Sixth Form Student Pastoral Services Evaluation

Throughout the production of the video, we made use of a variety of different camera angles, shot types etc. For the interviews we favored a medium shot, with a standard camera angle, and a shallow depth of field
, however one of the interviews was shot poorly, in a low key lit location, with a slightly closer medium shot, a higher camera angle and poor focus.
For the filler footage we used a selection of close ups, panoramic shots, over the shoulder shots, and all kinds of other shots around the college of the staff helping students.

We mainly used standard transitions, this worked well in the corporate video as it provided a more formal, professional feel. Some transitions may go on for a little too long, however for they most part they do their job efficiently. Within the video, a number of title screens showing the questions that the interviewees as well as the interviewee's name and title.
These titles are displayed in a formal, professional font as to add to the feel of the corporate video. We also added a translucent EN logo in the bottom left corner of the entire video.

The dialogue in the interviews is at a constant, decent quality, audible and clear over background noise at all times, the dialogue is the most important part of the audio so it is essential it is clear for the viewer to hear. The music was an upbeat, formal enough to suit the corporate video, yet informal enough engage all kinds of viewers; the volume of the music varies depending on the part of the video, at times when the interviewee is speaking, the volume lowers, allowing the dialogue to be more audible, while during transitions, the volume is increased temporarily to grab the attention of the viewer.

In all of the shots throughout the entirety of the video, we aimed to keep the lighting high key as to show the college in a positive light so to speak. In the interviews we attempted to keep the focus on the interviewee while the background is out of focus, this keeps the viewers attention on what's important. In the filler footage we show a lot of the staff helping students in their respective fields, this represents the colleges pastoral services and what it does.

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